Gulbakyt (
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): Unpaid Temporary Internship
I'm from Kazakhstan. I'd like to raise the qualification in leading foreign Company or University. I would like to pass unpaid Temporary internships through "the Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan"?
Have you any The general Engineer unpaid Temporary internships FOR ME?
Are What possibilities for me, please?!
At present I work in joint-stock company “Kazakhtelecom”. Joint-Stock Company “Kazakhtelecom” - the largest operator of communication of Republic Kazakhstan, has regional divisions in each area of the country and represents a wide range info communication services on all territory of Kazakhstan.
Keep in mind: Cost: Yours Company interns are not paid. All costs related to travel,visa, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses, To lift raise the level of English language up to Advanced , shall pay "the Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan".
Friday, 22 February 2013